Land’s End Tour

Explore bottomless wells, archaic burial grounds, and temples of worship. Complete your Jaffna sightseeing tour with an expedition to where the land ends in the northern most corner of the Island of Sri Lanka.

Explore bottomless wells, archaic burial grounds, and temples of worship. Complete your Jaffna sightseeing tour with an expedition to where the land ends in the northern most corner of the Island of Sri Lanka.

Nilavarai Bottomless Well

Puttur, Jaffna

This deep well is constantly full of water regardless of the weather conditions of Jaffna. Some claim that this fresh water spring, naturally formed due to Jaffna peninsula being a bed of lime stones. Others claim that Indian Prince Rama dug this well using his arrow. Whatever the truth may be, the Well is held in high esteem by this region’s people. There is an ancient Hindu temple at this site.

Kandurugoda Temple

Kantharodai, Jaffna

Ancient Buddhist temple. This site was the capital of the Naga people. There are ancient stupas preserved in relatively good condition for their age. Some believe that these are burial mounds. It is a holy site that contains many ancient ruins.

Keerimali Pond

Keerimalai, Jaffna

This hot spring pond is said to have mystic healing abilities due to its high concentration of minerals. The pond is separated into two. Men and women are expected to bath in the separate pools. Even though it is mere meters from the sea, the ponds water is not saline. This pond is said to connect to the Nilavarai Bottomless Well.

Dambakolapatuna – Sangamittha’s Landing Point

Mathagal, Jaffna

This is place that Buddhist nun Sangamittha arrived to Sri Lanka carrying a sapling from the scared tree. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under a Bo tree in India. A Buddhist temple marks is erected at this point.

Point Pedro – Sakkotei Cape – Northern most Notch

Point Pedro, Jaffna

This is the northern most point of Sri Lanka. It is an amazing site to watch the Sun rise and set. The once busy point for trade from around the World, now it’s quiet and scenic.